Friday, December 08, 2006

We have secured an apartment in Park Slope, a beautiful suburb of Brooklyn that is no longer a commute for Patrick than he had in Kansas City.

We were really nervous we wouldn't get it--apartment hunting here has been a real eye opener, and not just because prices are so high--it is a very anti-pet city. We didn't think we would that much trouble finding a place--we just figured with our four-legged family, we would have to pay more--but many places we looked at or considered wouldn't even consider one pet. The places that would consider taking our babies were mostly depressing little dumps that reminded me of what I lived in and didn't mind in college, but would have a hard time with now.

So we got really lucky, and are very relieved. It is the first floor of a brownstone, and has a little back yard and is just a few blocks from Prospect Park, which is great for the dogs--it is the best dog life in the NY area--it's the only park that has off-leash hours--it even has a dog swimming pond--it will be fun to take Betty and Barney to that and see how they react.

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