Monday, December 11, 2006

I am getting my first taste of becoming jaded as a New Yorker--today marks the 5th time since we have been here that there is a film being shot near our hotel--they block off all the parking, make the sidewalks nearly impassable with equipment, etc., and then act like they own said sidewalks and could chase you off if they felt like it, which is all fine, not the end of the world, but sometimes they run generators when they shoot at night--I don't know if they are for the lights, or to run the actors' trailers, or what, but the thing is, generators are LOUD, and multiple generators are REALLY LOUD. And the noise is amplified by the accoustics created by all the tall buildings. And they run the generators until about 4 a.m.--it's like living next to a commercial construction site where they only work at night. It's just crazy loud, and it's the kind of noise that if you do fall asleep in spite of it, you have dreams like you've died and gone to hell and were given a job in one of Satan's furnace factories--all hot and loud--just nuts. The kind of dreams where you wake up and are really relieved you were only dreaming.

There has been one exciting part--Patrick saw Colin Firth this morning when he was walking the dogs to the dog run--they are shooting this movie called The Accidental Husband. Colin Firth, Uma Thurman, and Isabella Rossellini are all sitting in trailers a block from me as I write this--so weird. The dogs are terrified of the generator noise at night, but they don't seem to mind all the equipment and stuff, because they get to pass the craft services table a couple times a day on the way to the dog run to poop, and they seem hopeful that one of these times someone is going to give them some food. The dogs are good cover too--you can pretend that you doing something legitimate--dog walking--when you are actually kind of star stalking.

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